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GREER – Greer CPW is wanting to prepare natural gas customers that they should plan for higher-than-normal utility bills this winter due to the increase in market prices.  Several factors include the exporting of LNG (liquified natural gas) to Europe, inflation and increased summer temps causing Americans to use more natural gas generated energy to stay cool. Simply put – supply has failed to keep up with the strong demand for natural gas and it is keeping suppliers from putting enough natural gas into storage for the winter.

Greer CPW is a natural gas distributor and purchases natural gas from suppliers. Due to recent demand, natural gas market prices are on the rise. Customers can expect a significant increase in the natural gas portion of their utility bills. However, a colder than normal winter or early cold snap could drive prices even higher.

Greer CPW passes wholesale natural gas costs to customers through a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA). While Greer CPW’s natural gas base rate will not be changing, the PGA will change due to market price changes.

Greer CPW is encouraging customers to take advantage of programs that are in place to help with these increases, such as our Equal Payment Plan and Utility Assistance Programs listed below. We also encourage customers to visit our website and take advantage of the energy saving tips.


Possible Questions Related to Rising Natural Gas Market Prices

What is a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA)? Greer CPW has a PGA in place to reflect the changing market prices that CPW must pay for wholesale natural gas.  This cost is a pass thru to our customers.

How does CPW determine what the PGA will be each month?

The PGA is calculated each month based on what Greer CPW had to pay for wholesale natural gas on the open markets for the previous month.

 Are you raising the base gas charges in 2023? No.

How can I save money on my bill? Tips to save money can be found on our website

I’m having trouble paying my utility bill on time, what should I do? Greer CPW works with Greer Relief to match donations up to $25,000 under the Caring People Working Together program.  If you qualify, you could receive assistance paying your utility bill through Greer Relief.  Please call Greer Relief with questions at (864) 848-5355.  There may also be assistance in Spartanburg County through GLEAMS at 864-707-5029 or S.H.A.R.E at 864-269-0700.

What other assistance is available for paying my bill? We have an equal payment plan where customers pay a fixed amount on their utility bill for an 11-month period. To learn more about the program, customers should call customer service at 864-848-5500.

How will natural gas market prices impact electric customers this winter?

Greer CPW’s electric wholesale prices are fixed and will not be impacted due to the increase in natural gas market prices.  While customers may see an increase in electric consumption due to colder weather, electric rates or fees will not change.

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