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Greer CPW works hard to make sure you receive high-quality drinking water. Our team maintains two lakes: Robinson and Cunningham. The lakes are fed by the South Tyger River and are meticulously cared for to ensure they remain pristine sources of drinking water.

Our water treatment plant is adjacent to Lake Cunningham. There, our staff of water treatment professionals filter and disinfect the water to be distributed to our customers.

We have approximately 400 miles of waterlines and six storage tanks throughout the distribution system to maintain pressure and meet peak water demands. The system delivers high-quality drinking water to our 23,950 customers.

Our water system consistently meets or exceeds drinking water standards. Each day, our professional team carefully monitors the system – from raw water to tap – to ensure that the service we provide enhances a healthy quality of life.

Service Area

We manage more than 23,950 water meters within our service area in the City of Greer and beyond, including:

  • Northern boundaries that follow Highway 14 to the Water Treatment Plant, continuing on Memorial Drive Extension to Valley Haven, then on Highway 101 to North Rutherford Road and Highway 290 to St. Mark Road
  • Southern boundaries stretching down Highway 101 to Robinson Road, south of I-85 to Abner Creek and along Highway 14 to the Enoree River
  • Eastern boundaries that follow the Enoree River on Highway 29.
    Southeast of the city down Brockman-McClimon Road to Abner Creek, and west along Abner Creek Road to Highway 14 South

Use the Service Availability button below to determine if Greer CPW could provide the water services to your home or business.

Service Availability Map

For more details, click on the items in the top row to open the Rate Sheets.

Water Rates

Choose a rate code type from the options below to learn more.

Residential & Small Commercial

For more details, click on the items in the top row to open the Rate Sheets.

Water Facility Charge

Meter Size Inside City (Code 100) Outside City (Code 200)
3/4" $9.84 $14.10
1" $24.60 $35.25
1.5" $49.20 $70.50
2" $78.72 $112.80
3" $157.44 $225.60
4" $246.00 $352.50
6" $492.00 $705.00
8" $787.20 $1,128.00
10" $787.20 $1,128.00

Water Volume Charge

Volume Inside City (Code 100) Outside City (Code 200)
First 4,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons $1.41 $2.12
Over 4,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons $1.72 $2.821


For more details, click on the items in the top row to open the Rate Sheets.

Water Facility Charge

Meter Size Facility Charge (Code 300) Minimum Monthly Bill (Usage requirement 1M gallons)
3/4" $30.38 $2,100.38
1" $75.95 $2,145.95
1.5" $151.90 $2,221.90
2" $243.04 $2,313.04
3" $486.08 $2,556.08
4" $759.50 $2,829.50
6" $1,519.00 $3,589.00
8" $2,430.40 $4,500.40
10" $2,430.40 $4,500.40

Industrial Volume Charge

  • All gallons are at the rate $2.07.

Fire Protection

For more details, click on the items in the top row to open the Rate Sheets.

Water Facility Charge

Meter Size Inside City (Code 101) Outside City (Code 201)
3/4" $9.84 $14.10
1" $24.60 $35.25
1.5" $49.20 $70.50
2" $78.72 $112.80
3" $157.44 $225.60
4" $246.00 $352.50
6" $492.00 $705.00
8" $787.20 $1,128.00
10" $787.20 $1,128.00

Water Volume Charge

Volume Inside City (Code 101) Outside City (Code 201)
First 4,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons $1.41 $2.12
Over 4,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons $1.72 $2.821


For more details, click on the items in the top row to open the Rate Sheets.

Water Facility Charge

Meter Size Inside City (Code 435) Outside City (Code 436)
3/4" $9.84 $14.10
1" $24.60 $35.25
1.5" $49.20 $70.50
2" $78.72 $112.80
3" $157.44 $225.60
4" $246.00 $352.50
6" $492.00 $705.00
8" $787.20 $1,128.00
10" $787.20 $1,128.00

Water Volume Charge

Volume Inside City (Code 435) Outside City (Code 436)
First 4,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons $1.41 $2.12
Over 4,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons $1.72 $2.821

Master Meters

Water - Master Meters

Master Meters (Code 700) Per Meter Served Master Meters (Code 701) Per Meter Served
Facility Charge Inside City of Greer $9.84/month Facility Charge Outside City of Greer $14.10/month
Volume Charge (first 4,000 gallons) $1.41 Volume Charge (first 4,000 gallons) $2.12
Volume Charge (over 4,000 gallons) $1.72 Volume Charge (over 4,000 gallons) $2.82
Graph showing residential water rate comparisons between greer and nearby areas
water being tested in a lab

Water Quality and Service Line Inventory

Each year, we prepare a water quality report, detailing what was in our water and how we met or exceeded standards. These are available in both English and Spanish.

Additionally, we have published a service line inventory map for customers to know the plumbing material used for their service line.  Service line materials in Greer CPW’s system include copper, galvanized iron, PEX and PVC.  It is important to note that Greer CPW does not have any known lead service lines in the water system.

2023 Water Quality Report
Informe de Confianza del Consumidor 2023
Service Line Inventory
Certified Labs for SDWA

Contact Us

Have questions about our water service that aren’t answered above? Please contact us for more information. Our team looks forward to serving you!

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