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Damaged lines and interrupted utility services are becoming far too common in the Upstate. In February 2021 alone, Greer CPW experienced 9 damaged gas lines. Of those, 8 did not call 811 to have underground utility lines located.

On Monday April 5, 2021 City of Greer Mayor Rick Danner presented Greer CPW with a proclamation for Safe Digging Month and encouraged anyone planning to dig to call 811 at least 3 business days beforehand.

“One of the frustrating parts about these damages is that it is preventable, said Rob Rhodes, Greer CPW Natural Gas Manager. If contractors would take the time to observe the law and wait for lines to be located, it would make things a lot easier for all utility businesses.”

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson also shared remarks as the Attorney General’s office is the agency that can issue fines for violations under the South Carolina Underground Damage Prevention Act.

“811 is a very simple thing to do.  Whether you are a bonded, corporate contractor, developer or someone that is digging your herb garden or planting flowers around the mailbox… it doesn’t matter how sophisticated or a do-it-yourself you are, we all have a responsibility to use a very simple number,” said Attorney General Alan Wilson.

Calling 811 is a law and fines up to $1,000 could be issued by the Attorney General’s office plus the cost of utility line repairs. It is the responsibility of whoever is performing the excavation project to call 811.  To learn more about the law, please visit